Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Winterizing Your Above Ground Pool

Winterizing Your Above Ground Pool

The temperatures are dropping, holiday decorations are going up, and some locations in the area have already reported snow this season. Now is the perfect time to winterize your above ground pool to prevent costly damage during the next few months when you won't be using it.

Properly winterizing your pool will help to prevent damage to the pool itself, as well as to the equipment used to keep it clean, including the filter and pump.

Follow the steps below to winterize your pool:

1. Drain water from the pool, filter, and pump - never completely drain out ALL of the water - you should leave about 1 foot of water in the base of the pool.
2. Place a plug in the return hole.
3. Remove hoses.
4. Add algaecide.
5. Install a cover and routinely check it each week to be sure that there isn't rain water, ice, or snow building up on top of it.

Closing the Pool for the Season

When closing the pool, you will need to first drain the water (to about 1 foot in height) and then remove the hose clamps. This can typically be done with a 5/16 socket on a cordless drill, or a medium flat head screwdriver may work for you, as well. To remove the pump plug, you may need a pair of pliers or any of the above tools.

Next, you will need to thoroughly clean the inside and outside of the pool. Be sure that you remove any build-up of algae from the sides. Leaving this sit all winter long is going to cause a lot of damage, and you may need to replace parts next spring when you go to open your pool again. During this time, you should also check for tears in the pool liner that will need to be taken care of.

Winterizing Above Ground Pool Filters

You will also need to winterize your filter. If you have a sand filter, it's the easiest to deal with. Pull the drain plug and place the multi-way position valve between the two settings. If you have an earth or cartridge filter, they will need to be taken apart and cleaned. When putting the filter back together, be sure to moisten the o-rings.

Pool Cover

You will need to make sure that you have a solid cover in place to prevent dirt and debris from getting inside during the off-season. Once your cover is in place, be sure to secure it to the pool with cables through the eyelets. You should also get a cover for the pump.

If you have any questions about winterizing your above ground pool this season, please give us a call at 800-798-6039 and we will be more than happy to address any questions or concerns that you may have.

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