Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Installing Your Ipswich Above Ground Pool on Concrete

A coastal town, Ipswich in Essex County, Massachusetts boasts a vibrant tourism industry and is famous for its clams. An annual Ipswch Chowderfest is visited by many people every year to fortify this fact.   

As a town close to the sea, many residents have a fond affinity with water, especially when it comes to cooling off and relaxing. But since making a trip to the sea everyday can be impossible for some, many look to above ground pools to satisfy their swim cravings.   

Many wonder though if above ground pools are exclusively used over grass, sand, or soil only and if installing it over concrete is impossible (for fear of it getting punctured). The good news is, yes, you can install your above ground pool easily over concrete if a sand or soil base is not possible. However, there are a few do's and don't's to consider.   

The first thing to consider is that if you are planning to get an above ground pool other than a round shape, forget it. A round shape is preferred when installed over concrete, given its simple frame design. Even oval pools are discouraged, but if you do insist on getting an oval-shaped pool, a professional pool installer should be called over.   

Since concrete is a hard surface, burying pool parts can be very difficult and will require cutting into the concrete, so be sure you get professional help to avoid any nasty mistakes.   

When choosing your location for the pool, make sure the concrete area is large enough to accommodate the pool and be sure it is level. An inch or so drop is acceptable, but any major drop can cause the pool to collapse or even get damaged. If there is a slight dip, use a shim to level things off.   

Aside from the pool liner, you should have something like Armor Shield or Gorilla Pad and a pool cove, as well, to avoid punctures. Using sand or soil over concrete is not advisable as it can be washed off.   

When the floor protective layer and pool cove is all set, follow the regular pool installation steps. Having an above ground pool over concrete is no big deal as long as you follow the guidelines above. If you need help, don't hesitate to call your above ground pool provider for assistance.      

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Advantages of an Above Ground Pool in Haverhill, MA

Located on the Merrimack River, Haverhill is a city in Essex County in Massachusetts. With a population of about 61,000, it was once known as the "Queen Slipper City," being one of the largest producers of shoes in the US.   

With its proximity to the river, it's no surprise that many residents have a special affinity for the water as a means to relax and de-stress. However, not everyone has the time to go down the river to take a swim, which is why many prefer getting their own pool.   

But inground pools can be prohibitively expensive to install and maintain. Thank the pool gods then for giving us above ground pools – a more affordable, practical, and efficient alternative.   

What are the advantages of having an above ground pools? Let me count the ways…  

For starters, above ground pools are easier to maintain, having a double drain and pump installed - one does not need to purchase additional pool cleaning accessories.   

As mentioned earlier, on-ground pools are much more practical and affordable, too. You spend less to have one installed, it costs less to maintain, and it is tax-free. That's right, unlike inground pools where you have to pay yearly taxes on it, above ground pools don't bind you with payments to the government.   

Easy to install, above ground pools take only a day to set-up. Compared to the more than a month wait you'd have to endure for an inground pool, with an above ground pool, you can enjoy swimming almost immediately. 

For those who prefer the aesthetics of inground pools, consider the fact that above ground pools can also be set up with a beautiful deck surrounding them. 

Planning to move homes in the near future? With above ground pools, you can take your pool investment with you to your new home. Easily dismantled, you can have it brought to your new home and reinstalled there. Unlike inground pools where it stays put no matter what.   

Above ground pools also come in rectangular shapes that are perfect for swimming laps and playing water sports. They also have security accessories to ensure the safety of young kids and pets.   

In short, above ground pools do what inground pools do, and more. The advantages of having an above ground pool will make you reconsider having an inground one since it's virtually the same, albeit more affordable.   If you are interested in having your own above ground pool, or to learn more about it, call the finest above ground pool providers in your area - Ambassador Pools!  

Monday, April 28, 2014

Filling Up Your Above Ground Pool in Hamilton, MA

A rural-suburban town in Massachusetts, Hamilton has a rich equestrian heritage and has no manufacturing industry or industrial areas to speak of. Located on the North Shore of Massachusetts, Hamilton has easy access to the Atlantic seashore and its beaches and boating opportunities.

While swimming at the beach is ideal, not many can make the trip as often as they'd like. This makes above ground pools pretty popular among those who prefer to relax in the comforts of their own home.

If you're one of those who've decided, or at least planning, to go the above ground pool route, chances are you're wondering how to properly fill your pool up.

First things first, always remember to fill the first twelve inches slowly to avoid damaging the pool lining.

You can fill your pool with a hose, but using two hoses from two different spigots is faster. The quickest way though is to find a water tanker service to fill it.

However, water tanker services are rare and hard to come by, and if you do get to find one, it will be rather expensive with rates going from $300 to $600 for a full tanker.

Be aware that a tanker usually holds 9,000 gallons, so if your pool's capacity is more than that, expect to pay for more than one tanker. If you choose to spend the dough for a tanker service, be sure the water is clean and clear, given that you will be spending a pretty penny for it.

Whichever route you take to fill your above ground pool, it bears repeating to have it filled up slowly the first couple of inches. Once the initial 12 inches are filled, you can have it filled faster.

Having your very own above ground pool can be a worthwhile investment, just make sure to follow some rules.

To learn more about above ground pools, you can contact some of the best above ground pool providers to help you out. Ambassador Pools is a great pool provider and won't disappoint.

Friday, April 25, 2014

How to Detect Leaks in Your Groveland Above Ground Pool

A town in Essex County, Massachusetts, Groveland was first established in 1672 after separating from the town of Rowley. Today, it is very much a modern bedroom community making traffic a problem during rush hour. But once rush hour is over, it is a sleepy town with many residents biking and walking around.  

 Bedroom communities are known for being a place where people stay to rest and relax, while working in a different place. When the hot, summer months come, what better way is there to relax than in your very own above ground pool? But what if your pool has a noticeable decrease in water level? The first thing you should do is to make sure it isn't from a leak.   

You can check if the decrease in water level is due to evaporation by getting a pail of water and placing it on the first step of your pool. Make sure the water in the pail is level with that of the pool. Ask your family members to stop using the pool for awhile and wait a day or so. If the level of both have decreased the same level, then it's evaporation. However, if the pool's level is significantly lower than that of the pail, then you might be faced with a leak.   

To detect a leak, you should first be aware that leaks can either be from the pool itself, or from the pipe and filter. Check your pump and filter first, looking around for wet areas to help you determine the source. Oftentimes, leaks are from connection problems with the pipes, so check these as well.   

If the pipes seem dry and functioning like they should, then unfortunately, you might have a shell leak. Having an above ground pool makes it easier to look for leaks around the shell, compared to inground pools where you have to find the leaks from inside it.   

Once you find the hole, it's best to call in an expert above ground pool repairman to ensure the shell's leak is fixed correctly. Even if you can't find the shell leak, you might want to call in a professional to help you find it.   

Thursday, April 24, 2014

What Should Be Under Your Above Ground Pool in Gloucester, MA?

 A city on Cape Ann in Massachusetts, Gloucester is part of the state's North Shore and has a population of about 29,000. Its main industry is fishing and it is also a popular summer destination.  While tourists tend to flock the swimming holes in Gloucester, many locals look for alternate ways to swim in solitude. And one of the more popular ways to do this is by getting their own above ground pool.   

But while above ground pools are generally easy to install, many ask what should they put under it to ensure it lasts longer? We run through the more common materials here:  


A natural earth bottom is the most common choice, and is the most affordable. If you decide to go with bare earth, be sure it is free from rocks, roots, or any debris that can puncture the bottom of your pool. Smoothen the ground out, and you're done!  


While sand is another popular option, it does have a few quirks. If you want to use sand, try to use it sparingly. As with earth, make sure it is free from debris and don't use more than 2-3 inches. A thick layer of sand will make the pool floor shifty and soft, making it difficult to clean.    

Pool Floor Padding 

Probably your best option, pool floor padding is made from breathable materials that let moisture escape (thus keeping mold and fungi from taking root). Try to find pool padding that isn't made from petroleum, and make sure it doesn't have holes in it. 

While these are the most common materials to use under your above ground pool, there are others you should avoid despite the marketing hype other pool providers give you. Plastic sheeting, foam bottoms, and carpets under the pool are bad ideas so steer clear from these.   

To learn more about the best material to use under your above ground pool, call the finest pool providers in your area – Ambassador Pools – and ask them which is best for your home and pool.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Choosing an Above Ground Pool in Georgetown, MA

With a population of just over 8,000, Georgetown is a small town in Massachusetts that's mostly residential in nature. With many streams and brooks, it's no wonder that residents grow up loving the water.   The summer months can get hot and humid, and many Georgetown residents take a swim to cool off. Streams and brooks are fine for those with time to visit them, but for the serious recreational swimmer, owning a pool is what it's all about.  

Traditional inground pools are great, albeit expensive, so many look to above ground pools as a viable, more practical, alternative. More affordable than inground pools, above ground pools are also easier to maintain, costing you virtually nothing for their upkeep. Plus, they're tax-free.  

When choosing an above ground pool, you can choose from a few different styles. Whichever you decide, you can also add a deck to make your pool much more beautiful to look at, and it adds a place for swimmers to place their towels.   

Above ground pool decks can be made from wood, plastic, stone, and a variety of other materials, and you can even have a hand in designing how it will look. Lights can be added for night swimming, and if you have little kids or pets you wish to keep out of the pool, there are numerous security accessories you can employ, as well.   

From fences to gates, sensor alarms to old school lifesavers, above ground pools can be as safe as you need them to be.   

Available in rectangular shapes, you can even use above ground pools the same way as you use inground pools for swimming laps and playing water sports.  If you've been hankering for a pool of your very own, but have always been turned off with the high prices of inground pools, check out what above ground pools can provide for you. Call Ambassador Pools – the finest above ground pool provider in the area – to learn more about having your very own slice of paradise.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Above Ground Pools Vs. Inground Pools in Essex, MA

Essex, MA is just 26 miles to the north of Boston, it has a population of about 3,500. It was once a major shipbuilding center and one of its main sources of income today is seafood. It's no wonder why residents here have a close relationship with water.   

When the weather turns hot, it is just natural for Essex residents to jump in a pool to cool off. But not many people own their own pool, and a lot of folks may be planning to get one. But which kind should you get? – a traditional inground pool or the more modern above ground pool? What's the difference?   Aside from one being placed in the ground and the other on the ground (which is not at all an issue since above ground pools can also be placed in the ground if so desired), there are several other differences that can help you make a decision. Here are a few:  

- Inground pools are a pain to maintain, while above ground pools are virtually maintenance-free. This alone can sway the decision over to above ground pools, and rightly so.  

- On-ground pools are more practical. Aside from the lower installation costs, above ground pools won't require you to buy additional pool cleaning tools. Although, if you are willing to spend a little bit, above ground pools can be outfitted with various deck design made from wood, stone, or other materials.   

- If you plan to move homes in the near-future, you can take your above ground pool with you. Since above ground pools are virtually stand-alone structures, it can be taken down and moved to a different location, whereas with inground pools, this is impossible.   

- While being more affordable, perhaps the best reason people choose above ground pools over inground ones is the yearly tax. Above ground pools won't have you paying yearly taxes on it, unlike the case with inground pools.   

While inground pools and on-ground pools may seem vastly different, both are similar in terms of their function. If you are thinking of getting an inground pool to be used for swimming laps or playing water sports, be aware that above ground pools are available in rectangular shapes that enable you to do the same thing.   

More affordable, more practical, more efficient, and more customizable, above ground pools are arguably better choices than inground pools. While both kinds have their own following, the decision over which to choose is ultimately up to you. To learn more about above ground pools, call some of the best pool providers in the area –Ambassador Pools – and ask why their pools are better.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Need an Above Ground Pool in Danvers, MA?

A town in Essex County, Massachusetts, Danvers is also known as Salem Village, which is famous for the 1692 Salem witch trials. One of the trials done in the day was dunking a suspected witch into a body of water until they admitted their guilt. Of course, dunking as something to induce a confession isn't used anymore, however, self-dunking to cool-off is.

Cooling off in lakes or beaches is always fun, but not everyone has the time to do so everyday, which makes owning a pool an attractive option. But since inground pools can be prohibitively expensive, many are looking at above ground pools as an affordable, more practical alternative.

Above ground pools are safe for pets and small children, especially if you have a gate installed and other security measures set up. 

Perhaps the best thing about above ground pools, though, is that they are virtually maintenance-free. A pool with minimal maintenance required will leave more time to have fun.

So, if you need an above ground pool in Danvers, MA, call the finest pool providers in the area. Call Ambassador Pools today, and find out how you too can own your very own tax-free pool.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Opening Your Byfield Above Ground Pool in Spring

A village in Essex county, Massachusetts, Byfield consists of mostly residential homes with a few local businesses. Every first weekend in June, a festival called "Byfield Days" happens that includes a woodsmen's contest and the crowning of Miss Byfield.  

 As spring approaches, the weather slowly but surely gets hotter and hotter. Though not yet hot enough to merit a dip in the pool, for those who have their own above ground pools, it is the best time to re-open it. Those who don't have a pool, spring is a good time to get one, as well.   

Why not wait until summer? Let me explain.   

By re-opening (or setting up) your on-ground pool in spring, you get to avoid the stifling summer heat. By getting your pool ready for summer, as soon as the heat wave hits, you won't have to work under the scorching sun. Instead, you can jump in and cool off right away!  

When the weather starts to warm up, this is the time when algae pops up. As you ready your above ground pool, you'll be able to detect and deal with algae problems before they get out of hand. If you wait until summer, you'll give algae time to propagate.   

Another reason to re-open your on-ground pool in spring is to get it ready as soon as possible. You won't know when exactly the hot days will start coming, so by getting ready early, you and your family can start enjoying the pool right away. 

Finally, and this one is the most compelling reasons to get an above ground pool for those who haven't got one yet, you get to find great deals on accessories, pool cleaners, and equipment. Early bird specials abound in spring, and pool stuff will be on sale before prices spike up during the peak summer season.
While summer may seem a few months off, it's never too early to ready your pool for yourself and your family and friends. 

Whether you have your own pool, or are planning to get one, now is the time. Call Ambassador Pools today and ask for the best deals available!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Deck Ideas for Above Ground Pools in Boxford

Boxford in Massachusetts is a town in Essex County with a population of about 8,000. One of the points of interest in the town is Baldplate Pond, which is a popular spot for swimming, fishing, boating, and hiking.

In the summer months, many residents flock to Baldplate Pond to relax and cool off, however, not everyone can visit it as often as they want to. This has prompted a number of residents to have their own pool set up at their homes. While inground pools can be prohibitively expensive, above ground pools are significantly more affordable and thus, are the popular pool choice for many.

While the benefits of above ground pools are many, there are some who feel that they don't look as sleek and pretty as inground pools. This is not true at all, especially if you consider the various deck ideas for above ground pools that can humble even the most garish of inground pool designs.

For those looking for a simple above ground pool setup, there are aluminum prefab decks, which are easy to install.

For something more elegant, there are wooden decks. It comes as no surprise that this option is the number one choice for many above ground pool owners and designs for wooden decks are only limited by the owner's creativity.

But while wooden decks tend to rot in time, for those looking for something that won't deteriorate, you can check out resin decks. Much like aluminum decks, resin decks are great for cooler climates and are easy to install. But unlike its aluminum brethren, resin decks come in white or taupe colors, and are much more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

One of the more versatile decks for above ground pools, though, are composite decks. Like wooden decks, the design can be made according to your own ideas, however, being made from composite material, they last much longer than wooden decks.

Last, but definitely not least, are decks made from stone. While not as popular as the others, an above ground pool deck made from stone can make for a very classy and elegant setup. Usually combined with wood or composite decking, stone can make even the dullest above ground pool look marvelous.

If one of the reasons you hold off on getting an above ground pool is because of how it looks, just ask about the various pool deck options you can employ and you WILL change your mind. Call Ambassador Pools today to find out more!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Above Ground Pools and Water Conservation in Beverly, MA

A city in Essex County, Massachusetts, Beverly is a resort and residential community that is a rival of Marblehead for being the birthplace of the US Navy. Given the nature of the city and its history, residents here have a special affinity to water.

While swimming is a huge part of its culture, not many can drop by the resort anytime to take a dip. Which is why a number have their own swimming pool built, but inground pools can be quite expensive, so many consider above ground pools instead.

April is Water Conservation Month, and while above ground pools are probably the furthest things on people's mind when it comes to saving water, it doesn't mean you still can't conserve it.

Here are some water conservation tips you can easily follow:

Maintaining pool filters
A properly maintained pool filter can reduce the contaminants in your pool, which also keeps your filter working properly. A dirty pool filter will need to be backwashed to have it cleaned and this is the biggest waste of water. With proper maintenance, you won't have to backwash often.

Sealing leaks and cracks
Cracks can cause leaks, and while some are more noticeable than others, you should also check the pool's pipes and valves. Just a small crack can cause a massive amount of water to leak. If you see any cracks in your pool or pipes, have it sealed or repaired immediately to avoid bigger issues in the future.

Heating your pool
When the weather is hot, shut down your pool heater to reduce the temperature of the pool, and in turn, limit the pool's evaporation rate. To help you keep the pool warm in the summer months, use a pool cover to trap the heat from the sun. A pool cover will also help in reducing evaporation. Not only will you save water, you save money, too.

Though we are in the middle of Water Conservation Month, you can follow these tips the whole year to save you money and water. Having an above ground pool does not mean you won't have to save water. Be informed.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Reasons to Get an Above Ground Pool in Andover, MA

An affluent town in Essex County, Massachusetts, Andover was first settled in 1642 and was incorporated in 1646. The town has seen its share of history, from witch trials to the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and more. Today, Andover is just like any other modern town.

When the summer months roll in, many look to cool off. And the best way to do so is to lounge in a pool. But not everyone can go to the public pool everyday, which is why the idea of owning one is in the minds of many.

While inground pools are what many people traditionally get, a lot more are leaning towards above ground pools. Here are the reasons why:

It's more practical.

Above ground pools are easier to install, taking only a day to set up (sometimes 3-5 days if there are issues with retaining walls and stone). They're safer for small kids, and you can easily take it with you if you decide to move out.

It's more affordable.

Inground pools can be expensive to install. With above ground pools, not only is it more affordable, you won't have to excavate and spend money on landscaping. You also save on supply and labor costs. Even maintenance costs of above ground pools are more affordable.


While inground pools look more sleek than above ground pools, you can always design around an on-ground pool by putting up a wooden platform and some lights. Above ground pools are often regarded as more unsightly than inground pools, but this is not the case. With a little creativity and imagination, above ground pools can look as good, if not better, than inground pools.

Whether you choose to go inground or on-ground is up to you. But if you do consider above ground pools, be sure to check out the top above ground pool provider in the area, Ambassador Pools. Call them today and ask how above ground pools can make your life so much better.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Above Ground Pool Safety in Amesbury, MA

A city in Essex County, Massachusetts, Amesbury was a former farming town that is, today, largely residential. Summer months in Amesbury can be hot, so many residents look to pools to cool off, and many are looking to purchase their own.

However, inground pools are prohibitively expensive which is why those who need a pool for their home are looking at above ground pools. Significantly more affordable and practical than inground pools, above ground pools are slowly rising in popularity.

Above ground pool safety is important. To ensure maximum safety, here are a few products you can use for your above ground pool.

Though fences are not required with above ground pools, having one can help make it safer. A fence installed on the top edge, as well as along the stairway that leads to it, can help minimize falls and give people something to hold on to, especially when things start to get wet.

To stop kids from entering the pool unsupervised, you should also have a gate to make sure they don't wander in without you knowing - which brings us to the next product – pool alarms.

Above ground pool alarms are simple to use and employ a sensing method that can detect intrusions by individuals that weigh 18+ pounds. This 18-pound limit is to prevent the alarm from going off whenever a stray leaf or branch falls into the pool area.

You can also have pool signs installed around the pool area to remind swimmers not to jump or run around the pool. The common "Slippery When Wet" sign is also a favorite.

Other safety accessories that can prove useful are lifesaver rings and a Shepherd's Crook to help reel in individuals in trouble.

Above ground pools are similar to inground pools in form and function. This means that inground pool safety applies to above ground pools, as well. The only thing that differs really is the price. But just because a pool is significantly more affordable does not mean that you should scrimp on safety products.

Be safe and have fun! To learn more about above ground pools, call Ambassador pools today!

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Benefits of an Above Ground Pool – Essex County, MA

Located in northeastern Massachusetts, Essex County is a historical geographic region with no county government. Despite having no county council, commissioner, or county employees, some officials such as the sheriff are still elected to perform duties.

While Essex County gets about 45 inches of rain per year, it also averages about 201 sunny days with an average high during the summer of 82 degrees. During these sunny days, many residents might yearn for the cool embrace of a swimming pool. While inground pools are expensive, many look to above ground pools as a viable alternative. But what are the benefits of an above ground pool anyway?

There are a number of benefits to having an above ground pool and these include more fun times with family and friends on hot days, and getting aquatic exercises, too. You also get to choose how much space you'd like to allot for the pool given the range of sizes available. You can check the sizes and shapes available and compare them with your existing space to fully imagine the design scheme of your backyard before the pool gets installed.

Another benefit you can surely appreciate are the many safety features available for above ground pools. Though not required, fencing can be used to give you privacy and prevent unwanted visitors form gaining entry. There are also covers and alarms to give you peace of mind that your kids won't wander off and fall into the pool.

But perhaps the biggest benefit you get, especially compared to inground pools, is the reasonable price.

If you've been looking for a reason to buy an above ground pool, here are several for you to consider. If you need more information, call Ambassador Pools to find out how to get your own pool!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Above Ground Pool Safety in Teaneck, NJ

Teaneck, New Jersey is steeped in history. It was established in 1895 as a township, but it existed as far back as 1704. The township has seen a lot throughout its lifetime, especially the Revolutionary War. A suburb of the New York metropolitan area, Teaneck has grown from being a farming community into a modern township that's home to several commercial districts.

During the summer months, Teaneck finds itself sweltering in humidity and heat which prompts many residents to seek solace in swimming pools. While inground pools can be expensive, many look to above ground pools as an affordable and practical alternative.

Though sturdy and safe, being made from super strong aluminum, people should still be aware of some above ground pool safety guidelines:

While it's true that above ground pools don't require a special fence to surround it, if you plan on building a platform to house the pool, you might want to build a fence barrier around the edge of the platform and along the stairs. If the stairs are not retractable, you should ensure that it is gated to prevent unsupervised entry.

Another safety product that is extremely helpful, especially if you have kids or pets, is the above ground pool alarm. Simple to install, with no complicated adjustments, it is designed to detect intrusions by individuals that weigh more than 18 pounds. If children or pets (even unwanted intruders) attempt to gain entry, a sensor is triggered which sets off a loud alarm.

You should also put up signs around the pool such as "No Jumping," "No Diving," or "Slippery When Wet" to remind users of what not to do. Signs are effective reminders, especially for kids. You should also have depth markers placed in the pool area to ensure no one jumps in waters that are too deep.

Other pool safety equipment should also be on-hand such as lifesavers and a Shepherd's Crook (a long pole with a bent tip to help reel in kids).

These are but a few safety guidelines you can follow for your above ground pool, if you want to know more about other safety tips and accessories, call or Ambassador pools today.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pool Hunting in Toms River, NJ

A township in Ocean County in New Jersey, Toms River was once known as the Township of Dover until a name change was voted for in 2006. It was ranked by Morgan Quitno Press as the 14th safest city in the US and has appeared in various TV shows and movies.

Lying in a humid subtropical climate zone, Toms River tends to have hot and humid summers. It's when residents look to cool off by taking a dip at the beach or pool. However, not everyone can go to the beach every single day, or even visit a public pool, which is why many residents dream of having a pool in their own backyards.

However, with the price of inground pool being prohibitively expensive, and the cost of maintaining it can be a pain the neck, many are looking for more affordable alternatives. If you've been hunting for a pool that's more affordable and much more practical, consider above ground pools from Ambassador Pools installed.

Above ground pools don't cost as much as inground pools to have installed, and they require very little maintenance. It comes with a double drain and pump that handles the cleaning of water, which means you don't have to buy extra pool cleaning accessories.

Also, it doesn't require a special fence to surround it, further saving you money. Best of all though is the fact that above ground pools are tax-free. This means you don't have to pay yearly taxes on it.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Which Pool Should You Buy in Baltimore, MD?

The largest city in Maryland, Baltimore was once the second leading port of entry for immigrants. A major manufacturing center in the old days, Baltimore has evolved to become a service-oriented economy. Dubbed a 'city of neighborhoods' due to its number of districts, it is also nicknamed 'Charm City.'

Baltimore lies in a humid subtropical climate zone where summers can be hot and humid while spring and autumn can be warm. During these seasons, many residents look to cool themselves off, but not everyone has the time to travel to public pools or watering holes everyday, which makes owning a pool a good idea.

However, inground pool can be expensive to both install and maintain, which makes above ground pools a more viable choice. Affordable and much more practical, above ground pools are installed with a double drain and pump that cleans the water. This means you don't have to buy extra pool cleaning accessories.

Also saving you money is the fact that above ground pools don't require a special fence to surround them like inground pools do. Best of all, it's tax-free! Meaning you don't have to pay yearly taxes on it.

Additionally, since no holes are dug on the ground, your property retains its value. For those who plan to move homes in the near future, this is good news. Even better, if you are moving homes, you can effectively take your pool investment with you by having it dismantled and reinstalled to wherever you plan on moving.

Made from super strong aluminum, on-ground pools are very sturdy and safe, making them great for kids.

Available in rectangular shapes, above ground pools can also be used to swim laps or play water sports, such as water polo or water volleyball. Your pool is not only great for relaxing, but for keeping fit, as well!

To learn more about above ground pool and how it can make your life much more comfortable, call Ambassador Pools today!

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Finest Salem, NH Pool Choice You Could Make

A town in Rockingham county, New Hampshire with a population of about 29,000, Salem is a marketing and distribution center just north of Boston. The town is drained by the Spicket River and Policy Brook and has Canobie Lake on its western boundary. On the north is the Arlington Mill Reservoir, while in the southeast lies World End Pond.

Surrounded by a number of bodies of water, you might think that Salem residents can cool off anytime they want to. However, not everyone can head down the lakes or even public pools anytime they want, which makes owning a pool in the backyard a very attractive option.

But given the prohibitive prices of inground pools today, not many can pursue their dreams of owning a pool. Good thing there's a perfect alternative, one that's more affordable and much more practical – above ground pools.

Above ground pools are much more affordable to have installed, and even more so to maintain. It comes with a double drain and pump that handles the cleaning of water, which means you don't have to spend more for extra pool cleaning accessories.

Further saving you money is that it also doesn't require a special fence to surround it like inground pools do. Best of all, it's tax-free. This means you don't have to pay yearly taxes on it.

Above ground pool are also easy to dismantle, perfect for those who plan to move homes in the near future since you can just have it taken down and reinstalled to wherever you are moving to next. This effectively allows you to bring your pool investment anywhere.

Made from super strong aluminum, on-ground pools are sturdy and safe to use. Great for kids! To further ensure maximum safety, a consultant will come in prior to installation to make sure that the pool will fit and that it won't be set up below power lines or over septic tanks.

Available in rectangular shapes, above ground pools are great for swimming laps and playing water sports such as water polo and water volleyball. You don't just have a pool to relax and cool off in, you also have a place to get fit.

With all these, there's little doubt that above ground pools are one of the perfect choices for Salem, NH residents who are looking to have their own slice of paradise in their backyard.

To learn more about above ground pools and if you want to have one installed, call Ambassador pools today!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Choosing a Pool in Richmond, VA

Richmond, the capital of the Commonwealth of Virginia, is an independent city and not part of any county. The city traces its roots back to 1609, though the city itself was founded in 1737. As such, Richmond is steeped in history with many historic sites in and around the city.

Lying in a humid subtropical climat, Richmond tends to have mild winters and hot and humid summers. Of course, when summer comes along, many residents look for ways to cool themselves. What is the best way to cool off? Surely, it’s taking a dip in a swimming pool.

But not everyone has access to a swimming pool every hot and humid day of summer, and while owning a pool is ideal, not everyone can afford an inground one. This is why above ground pools are becoming a popular choice for many homeowners.

Above ground pools are more affordable to have installed, and cost next to nothing to maintain. Installed with a double drain and pump that handles the cleaning of water, you won't have to buy extra pool cleaning accessories. Further saving you money, you don't have to have a special fence built to surround it like inground pools do. Best of all? It's tax-free.

Installing an above ground pool only takes a day, or sometimes 3 to 5 days if there are issues with retaining walls and stone. Compare this to the more than a month wait you'd have to endure for inground pools, and you'll see why more and more people choose above ground pools.

As easy as it is to install, above ground pools are also easy to take down. This can be especially useful for people who plan to move homes in the near future since you can effectively take your pool investment with you anywhere. Just have it dismantled and reinstalled wherever you move to. And since no holes are dug, your property isn't devalued.

Made from super strong aluminum, on-ground pools are sturdy, stable, and safe - making them great for kids. To further ensure maximum safety, a consultant will come in prior to installation and make sure the pool will fit and that it won't be set up above septic tanks or below power lines.

Available in rectangular shapes that are perfect for swimming laps and playing water sports, such as water polo and water volleyball, above ground pools not only give you a place to relax but a place to get fit as well.

When choosing a pool in Richmond, you can go the expensive route and get an inground pool. Or you can save money with an above ground pool. It does all that inground pools do, and more.

Call Ambassador Pools and ask how you can have your own backyard pool today!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Why Buy Above Ground Pools in Shinnston, WV?

A former coal town, Shinnston in Harrison County, West Virginia along the West Fork River has evolved into a city with a population of about 2,500.  Like all other people, whether from big cities or small towns, many residents in Shinnston get stressed and have a need to relax as often as possible. One of the best ways to relax is lounging around in a pool.

But not everyone can visit public pools every week, let alone every day. While owning your own pool would be ideal, unfortunately the prohibitive price and costs of owning and maintaining an inground pool can be rather frustrating.   

It’s a good thing there are above ground pools.   

More affordable, owning an above ground pool is within the reach of many. Also it costs less to maintain. Installed with a double drain and pump that handles the cleaning of water, you wouldn't have to purchase additional pool cleaning accessories.   

Further adding to your savings, you don't need to have a special fence built around it like inground pools require, and best of all, it's tax-free. You don't have to pay yearly taxes for your above ground pool.   

Easy to setup, on-ground pools only take a day to install, though if there are issues with retaining walls and stone, it may take 3 to 5 days. Compare this to the more than a month wait you'd have to endure with an inground pool, the difference is huge. And since no holes are dug during installation of above ground pools, properties don't devalue.   

As easy as it is to install, on-ground pools are also easy to take down, which is especially useful for those looking to move homes in the near future. You can have your pool taken down and reinstalled to wherever you are planning to move, effectively allowing you to take your pool investment with you wherever you go.   

Made of super strong aluminum, above ground pools are sturdy, durable, and safe – perfect for kids. To ensure maximum safety though, a consultant will come in prior to installation to do measurements and make sure that the pool won't be set up over septic tanks or under power lines.   

Available in rectangular shapes, above ground pools are perfect for swimming laps and playing water sports, such as water polo and water volleyball. You don't just get to use your above ground pool for relaxing, but to get fit as well!  

Doing what most inground pools do, but with more benefits and advantages, when it comes to buying a pool, above ground pools are worthy of your consideration. To learn more, call Ambassador Pools and discover how you can own your very own piece of paradise in your backyard today!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Pool to Choose in Buzzards Bay, MA

One of five census-designated places (CDP) in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, it is the most populous among the five with a population of about 4,000. Named after the turkey vultures that frequented the area, it is now home to the National Marine Life Center.   

But swimming isn't just for marine life, quite a number of humans enjoy it, too. Residents of Buzzards Bay look to pools to cool off and relax, melting their stress away. But not everyone can spare time to visit the nearest pool or swimming hole, so many look to owning their own.   

However, given the prohibitive costs of owning an inground pool, many choose to abandon their pool dreams. This shouldn't be so, especially since there's a perfect alternative in above ground pools.   

Above ground pools are more affordable, and easier and cheaper to maintain. Installed with a double drain and pump that handles the cleaning of water, you don't have to buy additional pool cleaning accessories for it. Further saving you money is the fact that it doesn't require a special fence to surround it either. Best of all, it's tax-free! Meaning you don't have to pay yearly taxes like inground pool owners have to.   

Above ground pools are also easy to set up, taking only a day or two to install. Compare this to inground pools, which take more than a month, and you can see why above ground pools are hot right now.   Call Ambassador Pools today to see what we can do for you!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Choosing Your Torrington, CT Pool

The largest city in Litchfield County, Connecticut, Torrington was a former mill town that has evolved to become the number one "Dreamtown" out of ten in the US to live in.   The climatic region of Torrington is typified by warm to hot and humid summers and cold (sometimes extremely so) winters. So when summer rolls along, many residents look for ways to instantly cool off.   

The best way is to relax and cool down is by having your own pool in your backyard, but having a traditional inground pool can be prohibitively expensive. Good thing there are other alternatives to consider, namely above ground pools from Ambassador Pools.   

Above ground pools are much more affordable and cost virtually nothing to maintain. Installed with a double drain and pump that cleans the water, you won't have to purchase extra pool cleaning accessories. Further saving your money is the fact that the pools don't need special fences built around it like inground pools do. Best of all, they're tax-free. You don't have to pay yearly tax on your above ground pool.   

Easy to install, it only takes a day to setup, while inground pools can take more than a month. However, if there are issues with retaining walls and stone, installation may take 3 to 5 days. It is still significantly faster than inground pools. As easy as it is to install, above ground pools are also quick to take down. This can be especially useful for those who plan to move homes in the near future. You can take your pool investment with you and have it reinstalled wherever you plan to move to.   

Made from super strong aluminum, above ground pools are sturdy and safe, making them great for kids. To further maximize its safety, before installation a consultant will come in to make sure the pool fits and that the pool won't be installed over septic tanks or under power lines.   

Available in rectangular shapes, above ground pools can also be used to get fit. Perfect for swimming laps or playing water sports such as water polo or water volleyball, on-ground pools aren't just for relaxing, but to get healthy as well.  If you've been searching for a way to cool down during the hot and humid summers of Torrington, consider above ground pools. They're more affordable, more practical, and much more efficient than traditional inground pools.   

Really, it's no contest. So call Ambassador Pools today and ask about how you can have your own backyard pool today!

The Finest Above Ground Pools in Brockton, MA

A city in Massachusetts, Brockton is also referred to as the "City of Champions," being the hometown of boxers Rocky Marciano and Marvin Hagler, not to mention the city's successful Brockton High School sports programs.   

Despite being one of the windiest cities in the US, Brockton also experiences its fair share of sweltering summers. When summer comes around, most residents look to cool themselves and relax, and what better way to do this than lounging in a pool?  

But to visit a pool everyday is not really an option for many, which makes the idea of having their own backyard pool all the more enticing. With inground pools being prohibitively expensive to install and maintain, many are considering the benefits of above ground pools instead.   

The best above ground pools are offered by Ambassador Pools, but what makes these raised watering holes better than their inground cousins?  First of all, above ground pools are much more affordable to install and to maintain. Built with a double drain and pump that handles the cleaning of water, owners won't have to spend extra on pool cleaning accessories.  Further saving on money is the fact that above ground pools don't require the construction of a special fence to surround them. But perhaps the best money saver of all is that it is tax-free, meaning you don't have to pay yearly taxes on it.   

Apart from the relatively easy installation, it is also easy to dismantle - making it perfect for those looking to move homes in the near future. You can have the pool taken down and reinstalled to wherever you are moving to, effectively making you take your pool investment with you wherever you go. Made from super strong aluminum, above ground pools are sturdy and safe, making them perfect for kids. To further ensure the safety of its users, a consultant will come in to make sure that the pool will fit in your property and that it won't be set up over septic tanks or under power lines.   

Available in rectangular shapes, you don't just get to lounge in it, you can also swim laps and play water sports such as water polo and water volleyball with on-ground pools.   

If you've been wanting a pool for the longest time, consider above ground pools from Ambassador Pools. It's the affordable, practical, effective, and in many ways, a superior alternative to traditional inground pools.

Why Buy Above Ground Pools in Haverhill, MA?

What once was a farming community of Puritans, Haverhill in Massachusetts has evolved through the years to become a major player in the shoe-making industry, hat-making industry, and an overall industrial center that its founders couldn't even begin to fathom.

But all that evolving and hard work can take a toll, and leave many residents ridden with stress and fatigue. One of the best ways to relax is to lounge in a pool, melting your worries away. But visiting a public pool everyday is not really feasible, so it's better if you have your own pool in your backyard.

Unfortunately, installing and maintaining an inground pool can be prohibitively expensive for many. It's a good thing there are above ground pools.

More affordable to have installed, and costing virtually nothing to maintain, above ground pools are proving to be the choice for many homeowners looking to own their own backyard pool. Installed with a double drain and pump that handles the cleaning of water, above ground pool owners don't need to purchase extra pool cleaning accessories.

Further saving you money, you don't have to build a special fence around the pool like inground pools require, and most importantly, it is tax-free. Above ground pools don't require you to pay yearly taxes on them.

Inground pools tend to take more than a month to install, but with above ground pools, a day or two is all it takes to set things up.

As easy as they are to install, they are also very easy to dismantle. Above ground pools can be taken down and reinstalled in a different place, which can be especially useful for those who plan to move homes in the near future. This means you can take your pool investment wherever you choose to live. And since no holes are dug, your property's value stays the same.

Made from super strong aluminum, above ground pools are sturdy and safe, making them great for kids. To ensure maximum safety, a consultant will come in prior to installation to measure the space where the pool will be set up and make sure that it won't be installed over septic tanks or under power lines.

Available in rectangular shapes, above ground pools are perfect for swimming laps and playing water sports, such as water polo and water volleyball. This makes it great not just for relaxing, but for keeping fit, as well.

If you've been dreaming of having your own pool but have always been put off by the price and maintenance costs, consider above ground pools from Ambassador Pools. They do what inground pools do, and more.